Labs JavaDev

About this website:

On this website, I’m trying to investigate any materials about java development to improve my skills.

Materials marked with green I’ve seen on Internet for downloading from trackers, file shares etc.

If you can send video courses not marked green to us or can add courses not in our list, we will appreciate it.

If you will investigate any materials, you can add your experience or you can add link to your public repo

My contact:

Please share interesting code samples on java with us:

If you find interesting project on github, bitbucket, book, video course etc. on java, please send a link to us.
For example, this repository is very helpful i think.

[Lab 7]:

[YouTube, JavaBrains] Java 8 Lambda Basics


[YouTube][arun gupta] Developing Web Applications with WildFly 8

[Lab 6]:

[YouTube] Selenium Grid Understanding and Configuring


[Lab 5]:

[Spring] [Udemy] Building An E-Commerce Store Using Java Spring Framework


[Lab 4]:

[Android] Android App Development Fundamentals I and II (Paused)

[Informit] Paul Deitel: Android App Development Fundamentals I and II

[Lab 3]:

[Android] Fundamentals (Paused)

[Udacity] Developing Android Apps (Android Fundamentals)

[Lab 2]:

[Book] Java EE 7 Development with WildFly (Paused):

I’m planning to start reading book Java EE 7 Development with WildFly. I want try to investigate code examples. If someone will want to discuss or participate, welcome.

[Lab 1]:

[YouTube] JBoss AS and ActiveMQ (Completed):

[Ternovich] JBoss AS and ActiveMQ